Mystery shopping app for Red Bull

A web app called PerfectServe that enabled mystery shoppers to sample and report how Red Bull is presented in bars up & down the country.

Mystery shopping app for Red Bull

The challenge

Red Bull wanted an easier, better way of monitoring the management of their drink products and brand in pubs and bars up and down the country.

Their current mystery shopping system involved an army of guys & girls visiting bars under cover, ordering Red Bulls and mixers, making a note of the quality of the serve and the venue, date & time, and then heading home to collate the information and email head office with their report and copies of purchase receipts.

It was slow, inefficient and the data was not 100% reliable.

The solution

Cue the Perfect Serve app. We designed an app that revolutionised the process.

Overnight mystery shopping became effortless. The shoppers were armed with an easy-to-use tool (an app downloaded onto their smart device) and Head Office had a scalable digital system that could monitor and manage their brand in pubs & bars not just in the UK but globally, concurrently with complete data integrity.

Not only was the data now 100% reliable it was also real-time with the ability to spot good and bad patterns and venues quickly and easily.

We designed and developed the app using agile techniques, with strong collaboration with the client. User stories were broken down into epics and prioritised by value/complexity. The app was built over four 2-week delivery sprints.

Features included;

  • App geolocates the venue
  • Shopper confirms venue from dynamically generated shortlist
  • Shopper takes picture of the serve in-app using the device camera
  • Shopper adds price
  • Shopper adds comments in the notes field
  • Automatic date stamp
  • Shopper submits
  • Head office aggregates data from all shoppers real-time

Red Bull loved this app and we went on to develop additional iterations and features. Red Bull rolled out to geographies outside of the UK.

Online RFP journey & portal design

31 August 2023

This is RFPs made better. Award-winning investment consultancy firm, bfinance, asked us to take stock of user testing insights and design a best-in-class online RFP service.